Ice and Snow
JUST A REMINDER - Monday is Late start. School will start at 10:05. It looked like all of the moms and sons had a great night at game...
Welcome Back!
Although the last two weeks have been short, the kids seem refreshed and so happy to see each other. They have done great getting back...
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!! We had a wonderful week in Kindergarten. The kids loved making Gingerbread houses with their reading buddies. It is...
A BIG Surprise!
JUST A REMINDER... MONDAY IS LATE START. SCHOOL WILL BEGIN AT 10:05 At our Wednesday wrap up meeting with Mrs. Paulen, Santa Clause came...
This week in literacy we started a new unit on farms. We learned about the many jobs a farmer has and we learned about a few of the...
This week in literacy we wrapped up our unit on plants. We learned about another extraodinary person that did amazing things in his...
Happy Thanksgiving
Just a reminder- Monday is Late Start. School will begin at 10:05. This Thanksgiving I am extremely thankful to have a great group of...
Johnny Appleseed
The kids were re-energized after their day off yesterday. We have had a lot of fun learning about plants in literacy.We started the week...
JUST A REMINDER: Thursday is a No School day for Deer Day What a great week filled with a lot of fun and learning! We started a new unit...
Happy Halloween
The Halloween hike was great and the weather couldn't have been better!! Thank you to all of the parents that helped to set up the trail...