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Happy Thanksgiving

Just a reminder- Monday is Late Start. School will begin at 10:05.

This Thanksgiving I am extremely thankful to have a great group of students that I get to teach every day. They are a fun, kind, and caring group of kids. Thank you for all of your support and for working with me to help your child be succesful.

Today we finished the week with our Thanksgiving Gratitude assembly. It was very humbling to walk the halls and see all of the canned food that will be donated to Project Christmas. The kids were excited to be able to do something small to make a big difference (the lesson we learned in literacy when we read about Johnny Appleseed).

This week in literacy we read about deciduous and evergreen trees. We learned that deciduous trees are ever changing and change as the seasons change. Evergreen trees stay the same through the seasons and are always green. Next week we will learn about how people use plants and about George Washington. We will also begin our next unit on farms.

In skills we learned the vowel "e". The kids are getting really good at reading and making words. They were introduced to phrases- reading two to three words. It is very common for students to be sounding out each word. We are working on sounding out the words and then rereading the phrase more fluently.

Important Dates to Remember:

November 26- Late Start

December 10- Christmas Music Concert

Please continue to collect box tops for our classroom. Our class gets to keep half of the money earned to buy supplies that we are in need of. The other half is used to help fund school activities.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!


Our Learning At A Glance

Literature theme: Colonial Towns and Townspeople

Literacy: I can name the different kinds of tradespeople found in a colonial town.

Skills: I can spell single-syllable, short- vowel words with the following double-letter spellings: ll, ss, and ck

Math: I can combine sets and grasp a firm understanding of number facts to 10.

Science: I can explore and tell simple facts about ramps.

Social Studies: I can follow the rules of my classroom and school.

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