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Amy Hutton Triathlon

This group of kiddos is the best! They sure do know how to have a good time! This is one of many pictures from the Amy Hutton Triathlon Friday. Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to see more. Click on the individual pictures to enlarge them.

The Amy Hutton Triathlon was a huge success and so much fun! The students found a spot outside to cozy up with a book, created with playdough for our STEM activity, and laughed and cheered each other on at the relay races. The weather cooperated and it was a beautiful day. We wrapped up with popsicles on the playground and the Kaboomistry assembly. Because of the pledges raised, three graduating students will recieve scholarships. Students who earned prizes will be rewarded them at next Wednesday's wrap up meeting.

Literacy- This week we learned about our first president George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The students also created their American symbols out of clay. They are really coming along!

Morning at the Museum- Please join us on Thursday, June 6 in viewing Kindergarten's History in the Making exhibits, where you will get to see what they have learned about American symbols. You will also get to listen to them sing and tell you all about our presidents and the symbols that represent our country. The students will begin singing at 9:15 in the gym. We would love to see you.

Skills- In skills the students were introduced to the sound "ee". The students can identify spoken words with the medial "ee" sound and can write the digraph spelling for "ee". Students practiced seeing this new sound in words as they read their skills story.

Math- In math this week we wrapped up our unit on subtraction and began a new unit on Graphing Data. In this unit students will sort objects and collect information on the objects. Students will also pose questions, collect data, and record the results using graphs. In this unit we will continue to spiral back to previous concepts and skills as well as continue to build on their subtraction and addition skills.

Last Library- This week we had our last library time for the school year with Mrs. Loper, our librarian. We are so lucky to have her as our librarian at Forest View. She always makes library a time to look forward to and has a way of bringing books to life. To wrap up she showed our class how to make bookmarks before picking out books one last time. When your child is done reading their book this week please have them bring them back to school. Mrs. Loper will be sorting and organizing the library to get it ready for next school year.

Center Lake- In your child's folder you will find the permission slip for our whole-school field trip to Center Lake on June 10. The cost is $5. Permission slips should be turned in by May 29. If you have any questions please let me know.

Upcoming events:

*Friday, May 24- Amy Hutton Triathlon

*Monday, May 27- No School: Memorial Day

*Thursday, June 6- Morning at the Museum from 9:15 to 10:15 in the gym

*Monday, June 10- Center Lake all-school field trip

*Thursday, June 13- Last Day of School (Half Day)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for everything you do!


Click on each picture to enlarge:

Our Learning At A Glance

Literature theme: Colonial Towns and Townspeople

Literacy: I can name the different kinds of tradespeople found in a colonial town.

Skills: I can spell single-syllable, short- vowel words with the following double-letter spellings: ll, ss, and ck

Math: I can combine sets and grasp a firm understanding of number facts to 10.

Science: I can explore and tell simple facts about ramps.

Social Studies: I can follow the rules of my classroom and school.

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