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Tonight is FUN NIGHT

FUN NIGHT IS TONIGHT FROM 5:30-7:30. It is a fun event for the whole family! There is a little something for everyone. Dinner is served starting at 5:30. There are fun games, prizes, facepainting, silent auction, and so much more. It is a fun way to meet and hang out with other Forest View families. I would love to see you there:)

In literacy we wrapped up our unit on Columbus and the Pilgrims with a STEM building activity with Mrs. O's class. We worked together (pilgrims and indians) to build houses and boats that float and that can carry passangers.

We also started learning about Colonial Townspeople. We learned about a colonial farm and all of the chores that everyone in the family had to do. We discussed how this way of living is so different than the way we do things today. We also learned about a colonial town and the different types of tradespeople such as the blacksmith, cobbler, baker, tailor.

In math we starting a new unit called Word Problems. The big idea in this unit is for students to be able to combine sets using objects, fingers, and number paths. Students will also solve addition word problems. This is a direct extention to our last unit. Addition is a major milestone in our student's mathematical foundation. So, we want want to make sure students are given plenty of time to practice and apply the skill of addition. During this unit students will be introduced to the symbols (+ and =). The students will also be many different addition strategies. This includes using fingers, a number path, drawing a picture, and counting on.

In our science station we are investigating ramps. Please feel free to send in any materials that could enhance our ramps. We have magnetic marble ramps, marble track, boards of different size and texture, blocks of different length, and wrapping paper and paper towel tubes. The kids are loving making ramp blue prints and turning their drawings into an actual ramp.

Upcoming events:

*Friday, April 12- Fun Night

*Monday, April 29- Mobile Dentist

*Monday, April 29- Culvers Family Night 5:00-8:00

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for everything you do!


Our Learning At A Glance

Literature theme: Colonial Towns and Townspeople

Literacy: I can name the different kinds of tradespeople found in a colonial town.

Skills: I can spell single-syllable, short- vowel words with the following double-letter spellings: ll, ss, and ck

Math: I can combine sets and grasp a firm understanding of number facts to 10.

Science: I can explore and tell simple facts about ramps.

Social Studies: I can follow the rules of my classroom and school.

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