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Finish Strong

With only nine days left of school we still have some learning to do, but there will be a lot of fun mixed in as well. Our goal is to finish STRONG!

Literacy- This week we learned about the presidents Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Barack Obama. We learned about why these presidents were significant. We wrapped up the week learning about the carving of Mount Rushmore, which commemorates four of the five presidents that we learned about. Next week we will learn about the flag and finish our American symbol project.

Morning at the Museum- Please join us this Thursday, June 6 in viewing Kindergarten's History in the Making exhibits, where you will get to see what they have learned about American symbols. You will also get to listen to them sing and tell you all about our presidents and the symbols that represent our country. The students will begin singing at 9:15 in the gym. We would love to see you.

Skills- In skills the students were introduced to the sound "a_e" found in the following words: cake, rake, snake, grape, gave. We are practicing to hear the sound in words, read this new sound, and write it.

Math- In math this week we continued to learn about graphing data. In this unit students are sorting objects and collect information on the objects. Students will also pose questions, collect data, and record the results using graphs. In this unit we will continue to spiral back to previous concepts and skills as well as continue to build on their subtraction and addition skills.

Library Books- Please have your child turn in his/her library book next week if they haven't already. Mrs. Loper, our librarian is working hard to get the books checked back into the library.

Center Lake- If I have not recieved a permission slip for our all-school field trip to Center Lake for your child I put an extra one in their folders today. Please return it by next week. The cost is $5 per student. It is a lot of fun. We will stay as class and rotate to the petting zoo, playground, beach, and craft area. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Upcoming events:

*Thursday, June 6- Morning at the Museum from 9:15 to 10:15 in the gym

*Monday, June 10- Center Lake all-school field trip

*Wednesday, June 12- Field Day

*Thursday, June 13- Last Day of School (Half Day)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for everything you do!


Our Learning At A Glance

Literature theme: Colonial Towns and Townspeople

Literacy: I can name the different kinds of tradespeople found in a colonial town.

Skills: I can spell single-syllable, short- vowel words with the following double-letter spellings: ll, ss, and ck

Math: I can combine sets and grasp a firm understanding of number facts to 10.

Science: I can explore and tell simple facts about ramps.

Social Studies: I can follow the rules of my classroom and school.

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