Happy Halloween
The Halloween hike was great and the weather couldn't have been better!! Thank you to all of the parents that helped to set up the trail and donated caramel for the snack. The kids loved it!
In literacy we finished our unit on stories. We finished reading "The Story of Jumping Mouse", "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", and "Tug-of-War". We will begin to learn about plants next week.
The kids were excited to pair up with their third grade reading buddies for a fairy tale stem challange. The challange: To build a house that could not be knocked down by the Big Bad Wolf (the fan). The kids were so creative and worked hard to problem solve with their reading buddy to build a house that was strong and sturdy. Below are some pictures of the fun. To get a closer look tap on each picture.
This week we learned about tricky words. Tricky words are words that do not follow the rules. They are words that we need to recognize when we look at them because they cannot be sounded out. The three words that we learned this week are: one, two, and three.
In your child's folder you will find their goals and progress pages. The kids are excited to be working towards their goals and to show you the progress that they are making.
Important Dates to Remember:
November 2- No School: Teacher In-Service
November 15- No School: Deer Day
November 16- Happy Birthday Hayden
November 18- Happy Birthday Autumn
November 22 & 23- No School- Thanksgiving Break
November 26- Late Start
Please continue to collect box tops for our classroom. Our class gets to keep half of the money earned to buy supplies that we are in need of. The other half is used to help fund school activities.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend!