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JUST A REMINDER: Thursday is a No School day for Deer Day

What a great week filled with a lot of fun and learning! We started a new unit this week on plants. We learned that plants need food, water, air, and sunlight to survive. We also learned about the parts of a plant along with the plant life cycle. The kids planted seeds, created a flower, and labeled the parts of a plant. We read the fiction story "The Gigantic Turnip" and the kids tasted turnip, many of them for the first time. I was proud of everyone for taking a small taste. Some kids were so surprised that they liked it that we cut up the rest of the turnip for them to eat. I challenged them to have you try it at home.

In skills we learned the sounds s, f, n, and h. We are using all of our sounds to blend and make new words. The kids are also learning to say a word, segment it or say each sound, and write the sounds they hear. The kids are so excited about their progress and are loving all that they can do!

We are learning to be writers. In our writing block we are learning that illustrators have an important job. Through pictures we can tell stories without using words. We are working on using detail, colors, and staying on topic. Writing block is one of our favorite parts of our day.

In math we are focusing on comparing numbers using mathematical vocabulary. We have learned the following vocabulary: greater than, less than, and same. The students are working on finding the number that is one less and one more. Please talk to your child about their math work when they bring it home in their folder. We do a lot of hands on math games in class so there are times that we do not finish their independant work. Please talk to your child about their math when they bring it home in their folder.

Alice is this weeks Star Student. She is a hard word worker and never gives up! Great job, Alice!

We are beginning to collect non parishable food for Project Christmas. The kids are being challanged to line the hallways with the food that we have collected. Project Christmas will accept any non parishable food, but is especially in need of peanut butter and canned fruit. We have a collection tub in our class. We can't wait to start counting how many cans we can collect.

Important Dates to Remember:

November 15- No School: Deer Day

November 16- Happy Birthday Hayden

November 18- Happy Birthday Autumn

November 22 & 23- No School- Thanksgiving Break

November 26- Late Start

Please continue to collect box tops for our classroom. Our class gets to keep half of the money earned to buy supplies that we are in need of. The other half is used to help fund school activities.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend!


Our Learning At A Glance

Literature theme: Colonial Towns and Townspeople

Literacy: I can name the different kinds of tradespeople found in a colonial town.

Skills: I can spell single-syllable, short- vowel words with the following double-letter spellings: ll, ss, and ck

Math: I can combine sets and grasp a firm understanding of number facts to 10.

Science: I can explore and tell simple facts about ramps.

Social Studies: I can follow the rules of my classroom and school.

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